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Will Priyanka Chopra’s film be rated R Version?

Priyanka Chpra's big Hollywood debut film Baywatch is going to be rated R as per the lead actors of the film. I wanna add that the film is based on the popular TV series Baywatch and will have the original stars Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhorf making a cameo in the movie. Priyanka Chopra, who made a blink-and-miss appearance in the trailer, plays the baddie in the film. Dwayne Johnson, who plays the main lead had referred to the movie as “Bad boy rated R version”. During the teaser launch he had tweeted, “Our movie will be big, fun and rated R. Like me when I drink. It’s big.” His co-star Zac Efron added that it will be “badass and different from its TV source material, while Dwayne said, “Me and bud @ZacEfron been talking about this one for a long time. And someone get my baby oil. Shirtless heaven and bikini dreams...”

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Priyanka Chopra will do two Bollywood films next year

Priyanka Chopra remained away from the Hindi film industry this year except for featuring in 'Jai Gangaajal', but the actress says she will be doing two Bollywood movies in 2017. Priyanka, an international figure now, was busy this year working on her maiden American series 'Quantico; and Hollywood debut 'Baywatch'. "I will be doing two Bollywood films next year. I have come to India to decide on those films. By the end of January, I will finalize which those films will be," the 34-year-old actress said.

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Now remove dandruff in a natural way

Great-looking hair is something that everyone desires, and it is not difficult to achieve -- but dandruff is one problem which is very common during the winter season. Using aloe vera gel or trying a homemade pack of neem can help you in many ways. * Usage of Aloe Vera gel is effective in keeping dandruff at bay. Apart from anti-fungal properties, which help in soothing the scalp and keep itching at bay, aloe vera gel also has several benefits for your skin and health. Take five tablespoon aloe vera gel and simply massage it on your scalp and let it stay for 30 minutes. Wash with plain water or mild shampoo. * Try baking soda as it can help you get rid of dandruff. It is alkaline in nature and helps eliminate dead skin cells by acting as a mild exfoliant. Take two tablespoons baking soda, add a few drops of water to make it a paste, apply it on your scalp and massage it for a few minutes then rinse your hair with plain water or shampoo. * Try a home-made pack of neem. Take one-

Airtel offers free voice calling across India

Following on the lines of Reliance Jio, Airtel has today announced unlimited voice calls and additional 4G data under a new plan. With a Rs 345 recharge, Airtel prepaid users will be able to make unlimited calls to any network and get 1GB of 4G data for 28 days, the carrier said in a statement. Under a separate recharge plan of Rs 145, users will be getting 300 MB of 4G data and unlimited calls within the Airtel network for 28 days. Reliance Jio, which had launched its services in September with free services for all users till December 31, recently unveiled a three-month extension to its promotional offer – now ending in March 2017. Jio offers unlimited voice calling, SMS, national roaming and data to users (with a 4GB FUP until Dec 31). Launch of service by Jio has led to a price war among the incumbent telecom operators. State-run BSNL has also earlier in the week offered attractive plans to remain competitive with the new entrant in the market and retain its market share. Vodaf

Do you clean your teeth correctly?

Research showed that people always clean your teeth for about 10% of your oral.Traditional manual toothbrush can not cleaning dead angle part of your oral.This ultrasonic electric toothbrush can effectively remove bacterial plaque, reduce gingival dleeding, gum stone and relieve gum sensitivity. BUY  NOW Brushing your teeth with this toothbrush brings you a feel of massage, refresh your mouth and whitening your teeth.You need to rotary the handle and it will start operate.This tooth brush include three toothbrush heads, one for kid and two for adult.It needs one AA battary which is easily found in local market.

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Einstein's theory gets a challenge from scientists.

Albert Einstein was a bonafide genius, but even geniuses get it wrong sometimes.A new proposed experiment to test Einstein's concept of the speed of light traveling at a constant rate could turn the theory of relativity on its head. In a new study two scientists report that they believe the speed of light was actually faster right when the big bang happened than it currently is.If true, this would help scientists explain why the universe's temperature has managed to even out so quickly after the big bang. This would also call into question Einstein's basis on the theory of relativity, a staple in physics.The pair plan to test their theory using readings from cosmic microwave background radiation, which, according to Forbes, is a map of the oldest light in the universe. Because this is a theory, as Einstein himself once said, "no amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."

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YouTube removes Bee Movie memes due to its policy

Darcy Grivas had a YouTube account with memes of the 2007 animated film, Bee Movie, that had garnered millions of views. Today, YouTube has removed all but three.According to a description that appears on some of Grivas’ older videos, the videos were removed because they violated the company’s policy on spam, deceptive practices and scams. More than 10 videos were removed in total, including Grivas’ new version of the meme that he applied to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to a video being deemed as spam, deceptive content or a scam, including misleading images, tags or metadata. Based on the content that was included in the videos — different versions of the Bee Movie trailer and film slowed down, sped up or otherwise warped for comedic purposes — it seems like Grivas may have violated YouTube’s rule on video and comment spam. Essentially, because Grivas posted the same type of video multiple times over the course of two

Alia Bhatt asks all girls to stop seeking external validation in 'I Heart Me'

The popular YouTube channel Blush and Garnier have joined hands with Alia Bhatt's upcoming film Dear Zindagi to celebrate the spirit of self-belief. We live in a world surrounded by a thick wall of social insecurities, which is difficult for people to break out of. This holds true especially for girls as they are largely affected by the virtual world of social media which reinforces judgement through a standard of perception. Culture Machine's digital channel for women Blush and Garnier collaborated with Red Chillies Entertainment to create a video titled, 'I Heart Me' around the upcoming movie Dear Zindagi featuring Bollywood's youth icon and stunning actress Alia Bhatt. It focuses on the importance of loving oneself and stop seeking external validation. In this video Alia Bhatt is seen having a video call with two of her friends, their conversation is a direct reflection of daily life problems faced by most girls. Dear Zindagi is a movie, which delves into

Deepika Padukone chills with Chris Martin at GCFI after party

While a host of celebs lined up at the lavish Global Citizen Festival after party hosted by King Khan, some of them took to social media to share the inside pictures. Sikander Kher took to his Instagram and shared a candid picture of Deepika, Farhan and himself chatting away with Chris Martin. Organized at Shah Rukh's abode 'Mannat', in honour of British rock band Cooldpay, the party saw several Bollywood A-listers incuding Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Arjun Kapoor, Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Farhan Akhtar. Chris Martin and thats all that needs to be said... Deepika by chance.. Thank you Shah Rukh and Gauri! #Yellow #Parachutes A photo posted by Sikandar (@sikandarkher) on Nov 20, 2016 at 4:39am PST

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Want to make your site more Search Engine friendly?

After you go to all the trouble to make your website work well on the iPhone and iPad, don’t forget to make it search engine friendly as well. Although many of the same rules of search engine optimization ( SEO ) apply, you need to understand a few key differences and special additions if you want to be included in mobile search engines, such as Google’s. Scoring high in search engine results is complicated because millions of sites vie for the top spots and search engines use complex formulas to determine which website should match any given keyword search. The formulas that search engines use to prioritize websites are guarded more carefully than Coca-Cola guards its recipe. And, if that doesn’t make it complicated enough, most search engines change their formulas regularly. The reason for all this secrecy is that the people who run sites such as Google and Bing want to deliver the best results when someone conducts a search — not just a list of the sites that reflect a smart web ma

Why Donald Trump’s hair looks like that?

For a lot of American voters, the matter of the Republican presidential candidate’s hair remains the biggest subject of debate.Trump keeps his wheat chaff-colored hair long so as to reach all the way to the back of his head, where it seems to be sprayed firmly in place. That would explain the top flap’s unified upward movement in a gust of Iowa wind. The most common assertions about the mystery of Trump’s head are that his hair is either a toupee or combover. It’s definitely not a toupee. His hair does sort of combover in an unusual direction, but it isn’t hiding a bald spot. There’s also a rumor about an alleged scalp surgery, as referenced in the extremely unauthorized 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump. This is important to mention because it could raise suspicions of a hair transplant or scalp alteration. Allegedly, after having painful surgery to remove a bald spot or two, Donald physically attacked his then-wife Ivana because he felt her surgeon had b

How To Choose A Best Air Purifier?

Choosing the best air purifier for cigarette smoke pollution can be a daunting task – but have no fear I am here! I have scraped the bucket, scoured the plains, and walked a million miles to find out which purifiers deliver on their smoke-free promises. So what is the best air purifier for smoke? From our research the Vestige Sharp Air Purifier  made our #1 top pick as Best Air Purifier. It...  Kill infection causing substances from air and surface  Neutralize smell and unpleasant odours.  Remove static electricity  Improve skin hydration Bacteria, germs, mold spores, pollen, pet dander, smoke and dust can make breathing harder, especially for asthma and allergy sufferers. Sharp's FP-P30U Plasmacluster air purifier helps remove these irritants with an ultra quiet fan that draws air through a 3-stage filter system. This filter system plus the revolutionary Plasmacluster Ion Technology for air purifiers makes the air healthier and cleaner smelling. The FP-P30U Air Purifier

14-Year-Old Girl Designs Cycle That Can Run Without Pedals

14-Year-Old Girl From Odisha Designs Cycle That Can Run Without Pedals.The bicycle can run up to 60km on 10kg of compressed air.14-year-old girl Tejaswani Priyadarshani from Rourkela, Odisha, has designed an innovative device that gives a whole new dimension to a bicycle by allowing it to run on air. Instead of pedals, the “air bike” runs by propelling air. With a 10 kg cylinder of compressed air mounted on the bicycle carrier, it can run up to a distance of 60 km. Tejaswani’s innovation comes at a time when the whole world is trying to tackle global climate woes by cutting down the usage of fossil fuels extracted from resources like coal, oil, gas, petrol and diesel; opening greater possibilities of using renewables like solar and wind energy. Tejaswani, a class-XI student of Saraswati Sishu Vidya Mandir of Rourkela, had this idea when she visited a bicycle-repair shop and saw the mechanics using air guns to detangle knots in a bicycle tyre. She was helped by her father to carr

Kim Kardashian Returns to Facebook with First Photo of Herself Since Paris Robbery

The queen of social media +Kim Kardashian has returned.After nearly a month of social media silence following her horrific Paris apartment invasion and robbery, Kim Kardashian West shared three posts on Facebook, including a photo of herself sitting in chair and looking at her phone. Kim Kardashian West   has opted to keep a low profile following her scary attack in Paris. On October 2, her apartment was invaded by five masked men who stole more than $10 million worth of jewelry from the reality star. She even kept her recent 36th birthday low-key, choosing to stay in with her children and other family. “She is still figuring out her life. She still has no plans for any work appearances, but her outlook on life seems more positive,” an insider previously revealed to  PEOPLE , adding that Kim “has calmed down a lot since the robbery.”

Facebook posts may help detect mental disorders!

According to a new study Facebook status, ‘likes’ and even photos could help improve the detection of mental disorders.Researchers from the University of Cambridge in the UK said social networking sites might be harnessed to provide data to help further our understanding of the onset and early years of mental illness. Facebook is hugely popular and could provide us with a wealth of data to improve our knowledge of mental health disorders such as depression and schizophrenia,Status updates, shares and likes can provide a wealth of information about users. By analysing the language, emotions and topics used in status updates, the researchers said that it may be possible to look for symptoms or early signs of mental illness. Even photographs might provide new insights; Facebook is the world’s largest photo sharing website, with some 350 million photos uploaded daily, and automated picture analysis of emotional facial expressions might offer unique representations of offline behav

An excellent first step for soothing minor skin irritations

Aloe First® is an excellent addition to any first aid kit. This exclusive skin soothing formula is an excellent first step for soothing minor skin irritations. Formulated in a base of stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, Aloe First® contains Bee Propolis, Allantoin and eleven exclusive plant extracts: Bee Propolis increases the natural skin-soothing and cleansing properties of the Aloe Vera Gel .Allantoin is a beneficial ingredient found in many plants, including aloe. Eleven carefully selected plant extracts, also known for their beneficial properties, complete this powerful formula. The combination of aloe and herbs provide a naturally soothing, pH-balanced spray that is easy to apply to even sensitive skin. Aloe First® is designed to soothe the skin after minor cuts, scrapes, burns, and sunburn. Other uses for Aloe First® include spraying on hair to help ward off the elements. It is even used in some hair salons as a pre-perm solution, as it helps combat the drying effects of per

Tea4Life® - Cleansing & Detox Secondary Support: Digestion

Tea4Life is a delicious blend of herbs, formulated to support internal health and balance. It promotes healthy digestive system function and a clean and healthy gastrointestinal system. The natural apple-cinnamon flavor makes Tea4Life a delightful source of good health.  Herbal extracts are blended to activate healthy but under-used muscles of the colon to promote elimination. Regularity can support general health and well-being and is an important step in any wellness program. As a delicious and easy-to-drink tea, this product provides a welcome alternative for healthy digestive cleansing. Tea4Life contains no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. Features herbal extracts to support colon health by activating the elimination processes of the colon.Provides an herbal alternative for healthy digestive cleansing.Boasts a tasty apple-cinnamon flavor with no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners TESTIMONIAL I was feeling very tired and had no energy. After being tested wit

Bad Relationship During Pregnancy May Ups Infection Risk In Kids

A new study has recently revealed that pregnant women dissatisfied in their relationship are at an increased risk of infectious diseases, such as stomach flu and ear inflammation, which may also affect their child, a new study has found. If you compare the group of pregnant women with the lowest satisfaction to the group with highest satisfaction in their relationship, the first group's risk of becoming ill is more than twice that of the second group.Those who report that they are dissatisfied in their relationship more often report illnesses during pregnancy and their children are also reported ill more often during their first year .Also ReadHow To Get Pregnant? When it comes to the children, the connections are even more obvious than with the pregnant women. Researchers looked at the occurrence of eight different infectious diseases, from the common cold to stomach flu and inflammation of the ear.With children up to six months, the occurrence of all eight infections was high

Apple Watch Nike+ is comng to India on October 28

                  The Apple Watch Nike+ will be available on October 28, says the company’s India website. Apple Watch Nike+ will come in two different aluminium case sizes – 38 mm and 42 mm. While the 38mm watch is priced at Rs 32,900; the 32mm costs Rs 34,900. Both the cases cab be paired with four exclusive Nike Sport Band color combinations including Black/Volt, Black/Cool Gray, Flat Silver/White and Flat Silver/Volt. The Apple Watch Nike+ can be purchased from, Nike retail stores and at Apple authorized sellers.                   Apple and Nike announced the Apple Watch Nike+ at Apple’s September 7 event. The watch was launched alongside Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and Apple Watch Series 2. Apple Watch Series 2 features GPS, a two-times-brighter display, and water resistance 50 meters. The watch is powered by a dual-core processor and watchOS 3.                   The companies are touting the Apple Watch Nike+ as the ultimate device for people who run. “A

Know what is the perfect foundation for your skin type?

                A foundation can make or break your look. So, while your scouting for that perfect foundation to cover those imperfections or brighten up your skin, it is essential that you choose the right one to nail the perfect look. I have some ways on how to choose the perfect foundation for different skin types.                 Finding the right foundation that perfectly suits your skin tone. Knowing your undertones is equally important to fix on that perfect foundation because only a foundation that matches both your skin tone and undertones is going to blend in seamlessly. Undertones come in three types: warm, neutral and cool.                 While you have fixed your undertone, it is time to move on to your next task, which is to get hold of the right foundation. Here are the various varieties of foundation for different skin types: Mineral foundation: They are non-comedogenic (tending to cause black-heads by blocking the pores of the skin) and work best on an acne-pron

Mother's milk protects newborns just like vaccinations !

                  Mother's milk may boost the immunity of a newborn in such a way that it may work against certain diseases like tuberculosis (TB) just as vaccination does, suggests new research. Scientists have long understood that mother's milk provides immune protection against some infectious agents through the transfer of antibodies, a process referred to as "passive immunity."                   If we can instead vaccinate mom or boost her vaccination shortly before she becomes pregnant, transferred immune cells during breastfeeding will ensure that the baby is protected early on.                  Specific maternal immune cells in the milk cross the wall of the baby's intestine to enter an immune organ called the thymus. Once there, they "educate" developing cells to attack the same infectious organisms to which the mother has been exposed.                  The researchers showed that you can vaccinate the mother and this results in vaccinat

Chao Thai Brand Coconut Cream Powder

                    Coconut cream powder from Thailand's finest producer--Chao Thai brand. Packed in a high quality sealed foil packet and sold in an attractive box. This is an instant coconut milk, popular for so many of our regular customers--even backpackers seeking high calories in powdered form that just need water.                    To make an excellent, creamy, fragrant coconut milk is very simple. Mix one 2 oz packet of coconut cream powder, with 1 cup warm water. Mix well. This makes exactly 1 cup of rich coconut milk. One 2 oz packet yields about 1 1/3 cups of coconut milk.                     Looking for a few good recipes : try green chicken curry, coconut  cornflakes    cookies, and coconut ice cream.This product is hygienically prepared from fresh coconut. It's a quick, easy way to cook. Just add warm water and you'll get rich cream that's ideal for curries, desserts, cocktails, confectionery, fillings for waffles, doughnuts, puddings and yogurt.    

What is Qi wireless charging?

                Qi wireless charging is a global standard to which many smartphones adhere. It allows you to wirelessly charge a compatible device's battery using induction transfer, simply by placing it on top of a wireless pad - and with no need for cables or adaptors (other than to the wireless charger itself).                 Inductive charging (also known as wireless charging) uses an electromagnetic field to transfer energy between two objects. This is usually done with a charging station. Energy is sent through an inductive coupling to an electrical device, which can then use that energy to charge batteries or run the device.                 The EC Technology Ultra-Slim Wireless Charger and devices like it emit non-ionizing radiation, which is not harmful to humans.The device will become warm in use, but it will not exceed 40ÂșC.                 If a smartphone supports Qi wireless charging then any Qi wireless charger will be compatible with it - not just that which is

Did You Buy Intelligent Automatic Power Off Protection for Your iPhone ?

                 Are you an iPhone lover? Yes is the answer of 99% people when I asks this question to young people. But do you provide Intelligent Automatic Power Off Protection to your iPhone? Now its a new thing. It means you haven't buy Magnetic Adapter Charger Micro USB Lightning Charging Cable for your iPhon e.The electricity will automatic cut off when the power is full, the protect the device will not be excessive charging and damage or without any manual intervention.                  Automatic Positioning, Without Upside Or Downside is also a sterling feature of this product. Intelligent magnetic cable without upside or downside, automatic positioning, connecting with high-speed, automatic charging when it close. Magnetic Adsorption, Refuse To Insert Violence Conventional cables need to be charged with violence, the average mobile phone at least needs 30000 times swapping,it will cause serious physical damage to mobile phones. Magnetic cable into swapping orderly each

Website Marketing Tools Are Necessary For You!

                  A website has become a necessity of today's business world.A website is an online address of some office nowadays.A successful business needs a well-designed website.Most of us starts a website and thinks its all done now.But its not all.With a website you also needs Website Marketing Tools for your business.                   Today I am showing you such a service.This service will bring the 3 power tools of the web to you. We will install Google Analytics, Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Webmaster Tools on one website of your choice. We'll also give you an overview of each tool. The overview will be limited to 1-hour of time. Any additional support will be optional. What is Google Analytics?                   Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website's traffic and traffic sources and measures conversions and sales. The product is aimed at marketers as opposed to webmasters and technologi