Are You Ready for 2018?

If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got – is it enough?

My wording may not be 100% true to the quote, but I’m sure you get the point. This is a phrase that I’ve heard many times, maybe you have too. It’s supposed to be a definition on insanity and can be applied to so many areas of our lives. SFI is no exception.

How many times do we approach a task and employ the same methods and tactics that we are comfortable with and used to? You know what I’m talking about don’t you? I have to admit that travelling the old familiar road would be my choice too. However, the result is usually the same too, and in many cases, it’s just not enough.

Did you try something new in 2017 for your SFI business? A new marketing method? Did you start to promote TripleClicks? Perhaps you purchased PSAs or CSAs. Maybe it was something as simple as posting in Stream or helping someone in the Forum. Every little positive change you make in how you work your SFI business gets you a little farther down the road to success.

A New Year will be here in just a few short days. 2018 offers us a new beginning – a chance to try new methods of promoting and working our SFI business. What will you try? Getting out of that comfort zone begins with a single step. That’s all it takes. Take a look through the Marketing Methods and pick one you’ve never tried before. Make your first purchase on TripleClicks. Answer the Biz Quiz every day. Complete the Goals tab! When you write your goals down there is a much greater possibility that you will actually achieve them.

Make a commitment to yourself to be farther down the road to success in December 2018 than you are today. Every journey begins with a single step. The steps you choose to reach your destination are up to you. Push yourself a tad further, you’ll be amazed what you can accomplish, you just have to try. Remember, you don't have to make this trip alone. When you hit a bump in the road, reach out to your sponsor or the SFI Forum – it’s like having your own personal support system at your fingertips.

I’m planning my journey for 2018, incorporating some new challenges and techniques. Perhaps I’ll be able to prove that you really can teach an old dog new tricks! All the best of the season to everyone! See you in 2018.🎆🎆🎆

     Hercules Seizure Mahaan
                          The Darkman
