Online Sellers! Are you married to your Customer?

My Friend George McBride told me about a Live Facebook session today and it presented a very interesting scenario. A guy in online marketing went to the mall. He dressed up in a Tux, bought a plump beautiful Red Rose and carried a diamond ring (borrowed). And he asked 100s of women if they would marry him.

How many Yesses do you think he got? He got three responses:

1. No get out of my face.
2. No, (laugh giggle) what is this really about?
3. Not a single Yes, but suppose there were one. Would it be a good idea to marry that person?

Well are you recruiting prospects just like this? You are if you are not building a relationship, bring value to the relationship, and building trust.

The responses we often get are No, What is this really about (Bait and switch) or sometimes yes. But that yes, though encouraging to us often proves to be of little value to us. The yes probably comes from someone who will jumps at anything shiny. They are not saying yes based on loyalty, trust, and received value. So they are not around very long.

The number one tool we use to create a "healthy marriage to your prospect" is TrafficWave. Through email campaigns I am able to show who I really am, how I can bring value to a relationship and how you my customer/prospect can succeed with me.

If you are not faithfully, consistently engaging your customers/prospects your log term likelihood of a successful marriage is limited. Customers will come and go, and your business will never achieve the growth you are after. Start building your customer relationships today.
